I am sitting here trying to decide on what MS is. Is it a disease or just a very cruel joke. My conclusion leads me to think that it is the latter. At least for me, every once in a while, it gives me this little glimmer of hope; a little taste of what life used to be. How I used to dance around when I cleaned the house. I used to tend to my little flower garden. How I could window shop for hours. How I could clean for hours. Make a nice meal for my family. Go to the grocery store on my own. Then just when I think that I am going to be nearly normal again, it all starts slipping away again.
I start getting clumsy, my coordination isn't quite right, my legs don't cooperate, my words aren't following what my brain is trying to say. Now my right side of my body is getting all uncoordinated and weak too. Seizures are back. New seizure meds making me loopy. I am overwhelmed and exhausted. I am tired of taking a shot everyday that makes me feel like getting stung by a bee. Some days I cry like a child and my poor hubby just doesn't know what to do about it.
Read an article the other day on Annette Funicello and boy that sure didn't lift my spirits any. She is basically in a vegetative state. I never want to be to that point. I pray to God that I never get to that point. God bless her. I hope that she is not suffering.