
Welcome to all who visit this Blog whether you suffer from Multiple Sclerosis or have a loved one who does. Hopefully this will help all who read understand that they are not alone even though MS affects us all in very different ways. Maybe it can help open eyes of those around who do not know the unpredictability of daily life with MS.
The purpose of this blog is to offer support and inspiration. Please feel free to share any useful information that you have gathered along your journey and words of inspiration. It is hard to overcome all the obstacles we must face and it is nice to hear ways people have adapted. Inspirational stories and anectedotes are especially sought after.
If you post and suffer from Vision disabilities you are welcome to post in all capitals and no one will think that you are shouting.
my blog

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Second thought

When I was younger I took so much for granted.  I was always one of those who walked super fast everywhere I went never once thinking that it would come to an end. I drove my car to wherever even if it was in walking distance.  I didn't think twice about my ability to run, ride a bike or dance.  In my mind, I didn't even know that I took these things for granted.  Never giving it a second thought.
Throughout my nursing career I have taken care of many people who lost some of their natural abilities.  I always felt sorry for them, but never truly understood the emotional toll that they were or went through.  I took good care of them for my 12 hours, empathized or so I thought, with their situation, but at the end of the day, I got to walk out of that building on my own to feet.
I guess what I am trying to say is walk, run, skip, jump, hop, twist and shout like there is no tomorrow.  Go swimming, skiing, hiking, ride your bike, and enjoy the outdoors, it is a wonderful gift to be able to move your body. Do the cotton-eyed joe, the electric slide, the cha cha slide, the chicken dance, and of course we can't forget the Macarena.


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